Why Beam?
It's a fair question. I developed a long list of possible company names...20+ at one time. I liked a lot of them! It was very hard to settle on one. But before I even did that I sent the list to a trusted group of friends and professionals for a little focus-group survey on which name they liked - or thought best for this company - after describing it to them. Picking from that initial list, they all sent their top three back to me, ranking them.
It was so fun reading people's comments, and suggestions. It was very helpful and I appreciated it tremendously. I took to heart everyone's opinions, concerns and votes.
But...Beam was not even on the list.
After getting the feedback I started searching each of the top candidates to see if similar companies with the same names already existed. Most of them did! It was a bit disappointing, actually. I wanted the name to have some meaning behind it, but I also wanted it to be at least kind of original. I decided not to use any of them and when back to the proverbial drawing board...hoping for an epiphany, of sorts, that would reveal the perfect name to me. Alas, it was not to be.
Beam was just another name from the second (much smaller) list of possible company names. But it does have meaning to me...basically explained at the top of the home page of the website. I liked it because it was short, easy to remember, easily transferable on merchandise, advertisements, and other applications. And it had meaning for me, and what I hope will have meaning for our clients. I hope it represents all we stand for - for ourselves and our clients.
A wonderful agency in Oklahoma City, Cryder, helped me with the logo development. They have great people, and they did a great job, and I thank them. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Please help spread the word, and give us a call!